Over the past few weeks Animal Evictor has been slammed with starling related phone calls. The early onset of spring in the northwest was shortly followed by the early mating practices of those pesky Starlings. Starlings can be very bold and intrusive with there nesting habits and often take refuge in our attics and exhausts vents causing contamination, damaged vent screens and clogged bathroom or kitchen vent lines. Not to mention the disturbing noises, bad odors, and bird mites that often come along with a starlings nesting area. The condition of our soffit vent screens and placement of vent guards is key to preventing starling issues as well as sealing off connecting roofline gaps. Often construction company's will have there bottom dollar guide the decision making in what type of screening materials to use when installing the soffit screens on homes and will install cheep screens to the back sides of the soffit blocks that birds can peck thru instead of quality 1/4 inch galvanized hardware cloth. This allows a easy opportunity for Starlings to invade our attics. Another common misconception is that the louvers or "flaps" on the exhaust vents will keep critters out of the vent lines. Starlings and other birds can easily lift up the louvers and enter and exit these vent at will. A properly fit bird and rodent guard can be installed in minutes and can prevent costly damages and vent lines that are clogged with bird feces and nesting materials. If the vent is an unusual size or shape a custom cut and fit screen made of high quality materials should be attached to the home. In the case of starling making entry thru connecting roofline gaps the birds can be flushed from the space and the gap can then be immediately sealed with appropriate materials based upon the homes construction and location of the gap. If you need assistants in the removal of starlings or the cleanup and removal of nesting materials in the attic or vent lines call Animal Evictor today to schedule your inspection and let us Evict the bird for you..1-877-405-7728 Michael Holmquist - Animal Evictor.